October 19, 2008

Biscuits and Gravy

So, I finished my book at 4pm today. Don't worry...I went to church. Yeesh. Like I would really ditch. Anyway, since I was so busy reading, I did not thaw anything for dinner again. Oops! So, in a pinch the husband has offered to make his Biscuits and Gravy for dinner. This will give me some transition time to get back to reality. Sigh. I am sad my book(s) are over, but it's for the best. I can only neglect my family for so long before they start complaining.

Since this is the husband's concoction, I can't really post a recipe. Be advised that these are really yummy. I can only say that I am glad to have an extended sabbatical, and that I will be back to cooking real dinners soon. Scout's honor.

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