February 4, 2009

Jen's Baked Buffalo Chicken Legs

I have really goofed up my menu plan for this week. Again, I had a different recipe in line for tonight's meal, but when I went to read the directions I realized that it had to sit overnight. Duh! I should have caught that little nugget of info when I was meal planning for the week. I typically read through the weekly recipes to see if I missed any ingredients OR special directions, but I totally missed that this particular dish had to rest overnight. Ugh. I am still going to assemble the dish and just park it in the fridge. At least I will be ahead of the game for tomorrow's meal. So that left me with an opening for dinner tonight. I was going to do some more menu rearranging, but I decided to scrap the whole idea and opt for easy.

This dinner is so simple and cheap, I can't believe I don't make it more often. In fact, every time I make it I comment on how I should make it more often. I think I will serve it with steamed broccoli and baked (microwaved) potatoes. That combo is pretty much my standard go-to side dish choices...especially when I don't feel like doing a whole lot of cooking. I think I will take the remainder of the afternoon and try to salvage my meal plan. If I don't, next week will get screwed up, too.
Since we have had this meal before, I will just link back to my other post. I typically don't review or take a new photo of a recipe that we have had before, unless I make some major changes. (I think it is much easier to just link back rather than re-type the whole post...this way is definitely less work on my end.) (Hey, I am all for anything that will get me on the couch faster...Oprah and I have a standing appointment!)

Jen's Baked Buffalo Chicken Legs

This is a family favorite, so this should be completely yummy tonight. I am looking forward to a no-hassle dinner.

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